Paterson Thermometer (9"/12")
Regular price HKD$181.00
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- Made in: UK (12 inch.) / PRC (9 inch.)
- Material: Plastic
- Temperature: 13°C to 30°C (9") / 15°C to 65°C (12")
- Length: 9 inch./ 12 inch.
- Duel Scales: Accurate to 0.3°C (9") / Accurate to +/- 0.14°C (12")
Designed for monochrome processing this spirit thermometer is 9" long and has duel scales from 13°C to 30°C (56 to 86F). Accurate to 0.3°C.
Designed for colour processing this spirit thermometer is 12in (30cm) long has dual scales from 15°C to 65°C (60°C to 130°C.) Recommended for all colour processes.