ILFORD HP5 Plus 400 120
Regular price HKD$68.00
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- ISO Speed Rating: 400
- Film Type: BW (Black and White)
- Process: ILFORD Ilfotec DD-X, ID-11
- Grain: Very Fine
- Sharpness: High
- Contrast: Good
- Exposure Latitude: Wide
- Remarks: Black-and-white film, high speed, fine grain, good contrast, action, press photography, general photography, nominal ISO rated speed is 400, excellent sharpness and grain under all lighting conditions, responds well to Push-processing, film speed up to EI 3200/36 achievable (use ILFORD Microphen developer), good shadow details and well-separated mid-tones.
Ilford HP5 Plus 120 is a black-and-white, high-speed (ISO rated 400), medium contrast film, especially suited to action and press photography. Its superb sharpness, fine grain and nominal ISO rated speed of 400 ensure this film performs in all lighting conditions, rendering it an excellent go-to film for general purpose photography. Responding well to Push-processing, film speeds up to EI 3200/36 are achieveable with ILFORD Microphen developer. Good shadow details and well-separated mid-tones with sharp grain are also maintained.
Ideal For:
- Action
- Press Photography
- Outdoor
- All Lighting Conditions
- General